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Search Results

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 15 min. Original Title: Szivárvány Általános Iskola: Egészség-nap Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013001

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image Original Title: Dunakanyar Erdei Iskola Egyesület Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013002

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 30 min. Original Title: 670 éves Sajószöged, egészség-program Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013003

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 35 min. Original Title: Nyírád község Egészség -terve Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013004

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 13 min. Original Title: A zsanai védőnő videóra vett előadása a védőnői konferencián Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013005

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 3 hours 23 min. Original Title: Kincsesbánya: a Jobb jelenért, a szebb jövőért. Egészség-terv Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013006

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 2 hours 57 min. Original Title: Módszertani kiállítás, honismereti oktatási konferencia, Szira Judit megnyitója és nyilatkozata Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013013

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour Original Title: Mozgásfejlesztés az Acélgyár úti óvodában, Salgótarján Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013014

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 2 hours 26 min. Original Title: Gábor Áron szoboravatás, Bereck Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013016

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 54 min. Original Title: Arany János szoboravatás, Nagyszalonta Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013017

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 13 min. Original Title: Balatonalmádi Vörösberény Általános iskola alapkőletétele Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013018

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 2 hours 59 min. Original Title: Honismereti -életmód, 1. műhelykurzus Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013021

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 28 min. Original Title: Latcho Drom: Vándormozi Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013022

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 19 min. Original Title: Soros roma tábor Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013024

Call Number
15. Soros Roma Camp [1999]
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 25 min. Original Title: Soros roma tábor Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013025

Call Number
16. Soros Roma Camp [1997]
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 22 min. Original Title: Soros roma tábor Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013026

Call Number
17. Soros Roma Camp [1990]
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image Original Title: Soros roma tábor Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013027

Call Number
18. Soros Roma Camp [1990]
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 42 min. Original Title: Soros roma tábor Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013029

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 2 hours 35 min. Original Title: Francia-magyar gyerekkapcsolatok az abádszalóki Kovács Mihály általános iskolában Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013030

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 12 min. Original Title: Ungaria zongoranégyes Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013034

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 24 min. Original Title: Úti beszámoló, Kétegyházi Mezőgazdasági Középiskola Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013041

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 8 min. Original Title: Maroslele, Általános Művelődési Központ Általános Iskolája tanuló-újságírójának interjúi Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013042

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 17 min. Original Title: A Mátyás Corvin kereskedelmi és vendéglátó-ipari szakközépiskola kollégiuma Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013044

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 28 min. Original Title: Honismereti -életmód, 2. műhelykurzus Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013057

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 34 min. Original Title: Százszorszép Kulturális Fesztivál, Zánka Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013058

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 10 min. Original Title: Játszani kell - Baltazár Színház Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013064

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 48 min. Original Title: Adventi program gyerekeknek Nagycsaládosok Egyesülete szervezésében, fogyatékos gyerekeknek Bice-Bóca Alapítvány szervezésében, evangélikus egyház Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013066

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 13 min. Original Title: Jobban szeretnék élni - Az Autonómia Alapítvány munkanélküli romákat segítő projektje Nagycserkeszen Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013067

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 28 min. Original Title: Napközi-otthonos óvoda, Budapest, IV. Deák Ferenc utca 95 Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013068

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 55 min. Original Title: Értelmes Életért Alapítvány, Hidroterápiás Rehabilitációs Gimnázium Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013072

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 17 min. Original Title: Béress professzor Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013073

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 18 min. Original Title: Ceredi Általános Iskola: Cseréljünk Iskolát Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013082

Call Number
33. Development classes [1990]
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 2 hours 16 min. Original Title: Fejlesztő foglalkozások Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013084

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 53 min. Original Title: Filmnyelvi gyakorlatok Herskó Jánossal, 1.rész Description Level: Item Container: SVHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013085

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 5 min. Original Title: A sárvári Tinódi gimnázium diákjainak sitkei sétája Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013086

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 11 min. Original Title: Earth Wheel Sky cigány zene Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013087

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 20 min. Original Title: 15. sz. melléklet , Szentes Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013096

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 34 min. Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013099

Call Number
39. Travelling [1996]
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 8 min. Original Title: Travelling Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013105

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 8 min. Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013106

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 55 min. Original Title: 2-es és 3-as melléklet „Tök jó futam, bőrgyógyászati ismeretterjesztő, egészséges étrend Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013108

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 20 min. Original Title: Csökmői általános iskola és óvoda Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013109

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 35 min. Original Title: Iskolai biológiai kutató-szakkör Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013110

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 16 min. Original Title: Egy szerelem három éjszakája, részletek Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013111

Call Number
45. Roma [1990]
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 55 min. Original Title: Romák Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013112

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 53 min. Original Title: Válaszút néptánc-együttes Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013113

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 43 min. Original Title: A forradalom képei. Dokumentum összeállítás 1956-1957 Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013113

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 51 min. Original Title: Haraszti Sándorné, született Gróf Irén visszaemlékezéseiből Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013113

Call Number
49. Személyes tárgyak [1990]
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 13 min. Original Title: Personal Belongings Description Level: Folder Container: VHS NTSC

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013114

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 53 min. Original Title: Szó, szó, szó és látvány. Antológia a magyar színházról, színházi pályázatok 1994-1999 Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013115

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 59 min. Original Title: Versek a XX. Századból Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013116

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 19 min. Original Title: Interjú Soros Pállal A riporter Frei Tamás c. műsorban, RTL Klub Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013117

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 2 min. Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013119

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 20 min. Original Title: Általános iskolai színházi műsor Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013125

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 5 min. Original Title: Bóbita-Vaskakas műhelyfoglalkozás, Pécs Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013126

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 21 min. Original Title: A hajléktalanság és a TBC, Modellkísérletei Tüdőszűrő program Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013127

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 7 min. Original Title: Általános iskola és speciális szakiskola szakmunkásképző és diákotthon Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013128

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 20 min. Original Title: Cigánydomb 1-3. rész Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013129

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 56 min. Original Title: Fekete Madarak 1-2., Dokumentumfilm a salgótarjáni roma közösségről a rendszerváltás után Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013130

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 58 min. Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013132

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 10 min. Original Title: Megoldások, Őrs vezér téri fák Környezetbarát Egyesület Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013136

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 18 min. Original Title: Hétszinvirágzás általános iskola Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013154

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 12 min. Original Title: Aki hallja, aki nem hallja, Orsós Jakab portré Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013159

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image Original Title: Szemcse. A Fekete Doboz Alapítvány fiatal Roma tanítványainak munkái Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013160

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 22 min. Original Title: Latcho Drom: Vándormozi Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013161

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 10 min. Original Title: Hugyag, Környezetbarát terület létrehozása Autonómia Alapítvány, Ökotárs Alapítvány a csujtai holtágnál Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013163

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 25 min. Original Title: Erdélyi Dániel: Második generáció. Roma médiaprogram a Színház- és Filmművészeti Főiskolán Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013164

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 35 min. Original Title: A cigányság helyzete a észak-magyarországi régióban, 4.rész. Kegyelemkenyéren Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013166

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 27 min. Original Title: Fekete Doboz: vizsgafilmek Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013168

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 25 min. Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013169

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 33 min. Original Title: A cigányok papja Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013172

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 21 min. Original Title: Van a börtön, babám Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013173

Call Number
73. Bangó [2001]
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 27 min. Original Title: Bangó Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013174

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 18 min. Original Title: Kiskőrös, Szent Iván éji mulatság Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013177

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 15 min. Original Title: Fekete Doboz: Romaversitas Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013178

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 15 min. Original Title: Fekete Doboz: Marhimé – Tisztátalanság, Patyiv-Tisztesség Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013178

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image Original Title: Szemcse. A Fekete Doboz Alapítvány fiatal Roma tanítványainak munkái Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013179

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 29 min. Original Title: Fekete Doboz Alapítvány közösségi televíziós kurzusa hallgatóinak munkái Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013181

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 12 min. Original Title: Hétszínvirág Óvoda: Környezeti Nevelés Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013183

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 21 min. Original Title: Erdélyi Dániel: Második generáció 2. rész Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013184

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 11 min. Original Title: Boldogok, akik sírnak Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013185

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 33 min. Original Title: Vadnyugat' előadás gyerekeknek Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013186

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 13 min. Original Title: Minden egér szereti a sajtot Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013187

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 19 min. Original Title: Biztonságban élni. Sziréna - Bemutatkozik Csongrád megye rendőrsége Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013191

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 18 min. Original Title: Egy magyar miniszterelnök, Kállai Miklós, MTV 1. Országos Széchényi Könyvtár Történeti Interjúk Videotára, Soros Gyűjtemény Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013193

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 14 min. Original Title: Ördög van a botomban, Galagonya Miklós tánca, Stoller Antal: Nász Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013195

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 37 min. Original Title: H.Z.-ről szeretettel Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013198

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 9 min. Original Title: Erzsébet nővér (részlet a készülő filmből) Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013199

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 17 min. Original Title: Fekete Doboz: A Soros Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013200

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 2 hours 50 min. Original Title: Fekete Doboz: Az év dokumentálása. 1992 Márciusi krónika Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013203

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 3 hours 25 min. Original Title: Fekete Doboz: Az év dokumentálása. 1992 április havi krónika Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013204

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 3 hours Original Title: Fekete Doboz: Az év dokumentálása. 1992 június havi krónika Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013205

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 55 min. Original Title: Volt egy ember… Donáth Ferenc, 1913-1986 MTV1, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár Történeti Interjúk Videotára, Soros Gyűjtemény Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013206

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour Original Title: Widerstand am Strom Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013207

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 37 min. Original Title: Snagovi emlékezés, MTV. Országos Széchényi Könyvtár Történeti Interjúk Videotára, Soros Gyűjtemény Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013208

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 52 min. Original Title: Rónai András Teleki Pálról - életút dokumentumfilm, MTV 1, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár Történeti Interjúk Videotára, Soros Gyűjtemény Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013209

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 54 min. Original Title: Gazdag pillanatok, MTV2. Országos Széchényi Könyvtár Történeti Interjúk Videotára, Soros Gyűjtemény Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013210

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 29 min. Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013211

Call Number
99. Supplication [1993]
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 22 min. Original Title: Fohász Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013212

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 50 min. Original Title: Király Béla életút dokumentumfilm, MTV 1, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár Történeti Interjúk Videotára, Soros Gyűjtemény Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013213