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Call Number
HU OSA 429-3-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Public and Opposition Activities during Socialism and Afterwards: Samizdat and other Publications of the Hungarian Opposition Movement
Textual Original Title: Bibó István: Emlékirat - Magyarország helyzete és a világhelyzet 1957 Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-3-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Public and Opposition Activities during Socialism and Afterwards: Samizdat and other Publications of the Hungarian Opposition Movement
Textual Original Title: Csalog Zsolt: M. Lajos 44 éves Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-3-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Public and Opposition Activities during Socialism and Afterwards: Samizdat and other Publications of the Hungarian Opposition Movement
Textual Original Title: Az elnyomás és ellenállás dokumentumai. Solidarność Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-3-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Public and Opposition Activities during Socialism and Afterwards: Samizdat and other Publications of the Hungarian Opposition Movement
Textual Original Title: Fehér Ferenc - Heller Ágnes: Egy tiszta politikai forradalom Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-3-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Public and Opposition Activities during Socialism and Afterwards: Samizdat and other Publications of the Hungarian Opposition Movement
Textual Original Title: Gombrowicz, Witold: Napló (részlet) Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-3-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Public and Opposition Activities during Socialism and Afterwards: Samizdat and other Publications of the Hungarian Opposition Movement
Textual Original Title: Illyés Gyula: Szellem és erőszak Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-3-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Public and Opposition Activities during Socialism and Afterwards: Samizdat and other Publications of the Hungarian Opposition Movement
Textual Original Title: Király Béla: Az első háború a szocialista országok között; Molnár Miklós: Elkerülhetetlen volt a szovjet invázió? Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
34888. Poland in the 80s: [Lecture Notes] [1980 - 1986]
HU OSA 429-3-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Public and Opposition Activities during Socialism and Afterwards: Samizdat and other Publications of the Hungarian Opposition Movement
Textual Original Title: Lengyelország a 80-as években: [Előadásvázlatok] Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-3-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Public and Opposition Activities during Socialism and Afterwards: Samizdat and other Publications of the Hungarian Opposition Movement
Textual Original Title: Lomax, Bill: 25 évvel 1956 után Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-3-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Public and Opposition Activities during Socialism and Afterwards: Samizdat and other Publications of the Hungarian Opposition Movement
Textual Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room