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Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour Original Title: Handabanda Televizió októberi adás Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013651

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 59 min. Original Title: Handabanda Televizió novemberi adás Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013651

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 3 min. Original Title: Handabanda Televizió decemberi adás Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013651

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 2 hours 4 min. Original Title: Élő Rádiókabaré. Tavaszi hadjárat - Tatabánya Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013659

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour Original Title: Dunakeszi 5. sz. általános iskola Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013664

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 55 min. Original Title: Märchnenbaum (mesefa) I-III rész Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013665

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 4 hours 3 min. Original Title: Észak-magyarországi Roma Unió. Cigány Népfőiskola Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013692

Call Number
478. Murderous Chimneys [1994]
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 9 min. Original Title: Gyilkos kémények Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013694

Call Number
479. The Palace of Wonders [1994]
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 27 min. Original Title: Csodák palotája Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013703

Call Number
480. Cine-Best Movie Guide [1994]
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 24 min. Original Title: Cine-Java Mozikalauz Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013721