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Search Results

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 2 hours 9 min. Original Title: Magyarország történelme videón: a középkor Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013297

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 45 min. Original Title: Fotó mozgóképen, TV4 Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013308

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 50 min. Original Title: Méray Tibor a Nagy Imre csoportról Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013323

Call Number
384. Agriculture, series 2 [1994]
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 3 hours 22 min. Original Title: Mezőgazdasági ismeretek II rész Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013498

Call Number
385. Tamási Television [1994]
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 4 min. Original Title: Tamási TV Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013499

Call Number
386. Tamási Television [1994]
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 4 min. Original Title: Tamási TV Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013500

Call Number
387. Tamási Television [1994]
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 55 min. Original Title: Tamási TV Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013500

Call Number
388. Tamási Television [1994]
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 58 min. Original Title: Tamási TV Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013500

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 2 min. Original Title: Ajka Városi TV, 1994 március Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013503

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 59 min. Original Title: Ajka Városi TV, 1994 április Description Level: Item Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013503