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Call Number
HU OSA 429-1-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Social Scientific Research Projects: Skilled Workers and Vocational Trainees
Textual Original Title: CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) Scenarios: [Háttértanulmányok, a résztvevő országok szakképzése] Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-1-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Social Scientific Research Projects: Skilled Workers and Vocational Trainees
Textual Original Title: CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) Scenarios: Magyar munkacsoport [Zárójelentése] Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-1-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Social Scientific Research Projects: Skilled Workers and Vocational Trainees
Textual Original Title: CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) Scenarios: Magyar munkacsoport [Zárójelentése, vázlatok] Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-1-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Social Scientific Research Projects: Skilled Workers and Vocational Trainees
Textual Original Title: CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) Scenarios: Magyar munkacsoport [Kérdőíve; A szakképzés jövője; Európai folyamatok] Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-1-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Social Scientific Research Projects: Skilled Workers and Vocational Trainees
Textual Original Title: CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) Scenarios: Magyar munkacsoport [Konferenciája; Szekcióülések; Vitaanyagok; Jelentések Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-1-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Social Scientific Research Projects: Skilled Workers and Vocational Trainees
Textual Original Title: CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) Scenarios: Magyar munkacsoport [Táblázatok] Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-1-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Social Scientific Research Projects: Skilled Workers and Vocational Trainees
Textual Original Title: CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) Scenarios: Nemzeti munkacsoportok jelentései (Ausztria, Bosznia-Hercegovina, Csehország, Egyesült Királyság) Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-1-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Social Scientific Research Projects: Skilled Workers and Vocational Trainees
Textual Original Title: CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) Scenarios: Nemzeti munkacsoportok jelentései (Németország, Egyesült Királyság) Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-1-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Social Scientific Research Projects: Skilled Workers and Vocational Trainees
Textual Original Title: CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) Scenarios: [Vegyes dokumentumok, jelentések] Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-1-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Social Scientific Research Projects: Skilled Workers and Vocational Trainees
Textual Original Title: A Magyar Szakképzési Társaság Hírlevelei Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room