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Search Results

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 28 min. Original Title: 127km2 - a HEARTLAND Alapítvány filmje a Tisza-tóról Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013824

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 56 min. Original Title: 20 éves a Soros Alapítvány, CD 1 Description Level: Folder Container: CD-ROM

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
3. 2 fiction films [1990]
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 2 hours 58 min. Original Title: 2 mozifilm Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 434-0-1 György Durst Collection of Video Interviews: Video interviews with the editors of Magyar Narancs
Moving Image, 3 min. 14 sec. Original Title: 32. Magyar Filmszemle Description Level: Folder Container: mini DV

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00033729

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 16 min. Original Title: A romániai magyar közgazdászok 3. Vándorgyűlése Description Level: Folder Container: BetaSP PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013218

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 50 min. Original Title: 50 perc zenéről. Fellegi Ádám műsora Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013702

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 1 hour 20 min. Original Title: AB televízió: 5. népismereti tábor, Civitas Alapítvány, 5. Ifjúsági Tábor és Szabadegyetem, Erdélyi Diákönkormányzatok Description Level: Folder Container: BetaSP PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013233

Call Number
8. Abdullah [1990]
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 8 min. Original Title: Abdullah Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013526

Call Number
HU OSA 418-1-1 András Szekfü Collection of Documents and Videos: Video Material: Environmental And Political Affairs Video Collection
Moving Image, 58 min. 18 sec. Original Title: Kis magyar forradalomtörténet (Kleine Ungarische Revolutions-Geschischichte) Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00032326

Call Number
HU OSA 13-3-1 Records of the Soros Foundation–Hungary: Publications: Film, Video and Sound Records on the Activities of the Foundation
Moving Image, 2 hours 53 min. Original Title: Fellegi Ádám: Komolytalan csevegések Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00013011