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Search Results

171. Spree Hotel [2016]
directed by Hartmann, Vivien
(HDD 61 min) Germany, 2016

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00006095

172. Still Recording [2018]
directed by Al Batal, Saeed
Original Title: لسه عم تسجل Digital film (128 mins.) Syria ; Lebanon ; France ; Germany ; Qatar : Ramonda Ink SAS, 2018

Digital version available | HU_OSA_10000758

173. Stolen [2009]
directed by Ayala, Violeta
Moving Image DVD (76 min.) Australia 2009

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00006320

174. Stories from Tahrir [2012]
directed by Sayed, Khaled
Moving Image DVD-ROM (90 min.) Egypt : Green, David, 2012

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00004859

175. Straddling the Fence [2003]
directed by Friedman, Thomas L.
Moving Image VHS (50 min.) United States : Discovery Channel, 2003

Available in the Research Room

176. Strange Fish [2018]
directed by Bertoluzzi, Giulia
HDD (52 min.) Italy 2018

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00006497

177. Striplife [2013]
directed by Grignani, Nicola
Moving Image DVD-ROM (64 min.) Italy, 2013

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00005181

directed by Lancker, Laurent Van
Moving Image DVD-ROM (76 min.) Belgium : Polymorfilms ; Atelier Graphoui, 2006

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00004041

directed by Salama, Amr; Ezzat, Tamer; Amin, Ayten
Original Title: Al Tahrir 2011: Al tayibwaal sharisswaal siyassi Moving Image DVD-ROM (90 min.) Egypt : Hefzy, Mohamed ; Sichler, Frédéric, 2011

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00004394

180. Tea or Electricity [2012]
directed by le Maire, Jérôme
Original Title: Le The ou l'Electricite Moving Image DVD-ROM (93 min.) Belgium : Truc, Isabelle, 2012

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00004832