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1. A Life of Death [2004]
directed by Westlake, Dawn
Moving Image DVD-ROM (8 mins.) USA : Ron de Cana Productions, 2004

Digital version available | HU_OSA_10000886

2. Coal in the Soul [2010]
directed by Dušek, Martin
Moving Image DVD (58 min.) Czech Republic: 2010

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00006737

3. Max by Chance [2004]
directed by Kestner, Max
Original Title: Rejsen på ophavet Moving Image VHS (29 min.) Denmark : Barok Film A/S, 2004

Available in the Research Room

4. Another Hungary [2013]
directed by Dénes, Nagy
Original Title: Másik Magyarország Moving Image DVD-ROM (51 min.) Hungary : László, Sára ; Gerő, Marcell, 2013

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00004836

directed by Kumar, Ashvin
Moving Image DVD-ROM (81 min.) India, 2012

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00004918

directed by Redmon, David
DVD-ROM (66 min.) United States : Redmon, David, 2004

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00002374

7. The Atomic Café [1982]
directed by Rafferty, Kevin; Rafferty, Pierce; Loader, Jayne
Moving Image VHS (88 min.) United States : Archives Project, 1982

Available in the Research Room

8. Corridor #8 [2008]
directed by Despodov, Boris
Moving Image DVD-ROM (74 min.) Bulgaria, 2008

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00003219