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Search Results

1. Maids and Bosses [2010]
directed by Benaim, Abner
Original Title: Empleadas Y Patrones Moving Image DVD-ROM (58 min.) Argentina, 2010

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00005350

2. Sala Alberdi [2016]
directed by Tisminetzky, Micaela
Moving Image DVD (131 min.) Argentina 2016

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00006173

3. Cocaine Unwrapped [2011]
directed by Seifert, Rachel
Moving Image DVD-ROM (84 min.) United Kingdom, 2011

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00005566

Soviet Propaganda Film Collection
Moving Image Description Level: Item Language: Hungarian

Available Online

directed by Hetzenauer, Bernhard
Original Title: Und in der Mitte der Erde war Feuer Moving Image DVD-ROM (78 min.) Austria, 2013

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00004796

Call Number
HU OSA 424-0-1 Soviet Propaganda Film Collection: Propaganda Films in Digital Version
Moving Image, 19 min. 29 sec. Description Level: Item Container: 16 mm film can

Available in the Research Room

7. Descendants [2004]
directed by Varga, Ágota
Original Title: Leszármazottak Moving Image DVD-ROM (98 min.) Hungary : Inforg Stúdió ; FILMIRa, 2004

Digital version available | HU_OSA_10000945

directed by Planel, Guillermo
Original Title: Mais Naufragos que Navegantes Moving Image DVD-ROM (97 min.) Brazil, 2013

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00004632

directed by Teleki, Marianne; Salgado, Hector
Moving Image DVD-ROM (73 min.) United States : Tunnel Productions, 2006

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00004021

10. Eyes Wide Open [2009]
directed by Arijon, Gonzalo
Moving Image DVD-ROM (110 min.) France : Dissidents, 2009

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00004329