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RFE/RL Hungarian Radio Monitoring
Textual Description Level: Item Language: Hungarian

Available Online

Call Number
HU OSA 339-2-1 Judit Kóthy Collection on Hungarian Television during the Transition Period: Works by the Independent Creative Community: Working Materials Relating to the Weekly Political Programs ''Drót'' and ''Drótháló''
Moving Image, 1 hour 37 min. Original Title: Drót háttér archív Description Level: Item Container: BetaSP PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00008915

Call Number
3. Drót program 4 [1994]
HU OSA 339-2-1 Judit Kóthy Collection on Hungarian Television during the Transition Period: Works by the Independent Creative Community: Working Materials Relating to the Weekly Political Programs ''Drót'' and ''Drótháló''
Moving Image, 58 min. Original Title: Drót 4. adás Description Level: Item Container: BetaSP PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00008627

Call Number
HU OSA 445-1-1 András Bozóki Collection: Records Related to the Regime Change in Hungary 1989-1990: Oral History Interviews with Political Actors of the Regime Change in Hungary
Audio, 58 min. 18 sec. Original Title: Jancsó Miklós interjú Description Level: Item Container: Audio cassette

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00012042

Call Number
HU OSA 305-0-3 Fekete Doboz Alapítvány Video Archive: Black Box Media's Raw, Unedited Video
Moving Image, 2 hours 18 min. 28 sec. Original Title: Beszélő klub. Jancsó Miklós és Bikácsy Gergely Description Level: Item Container: Digital container

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 305-0-3 Fekete Doboz Alapítvány Video Archive: Black Box Media's Raw, Unedited Video
Moving Image, 45 min. 29 sec. Original Title: Az utolsó klezmer, holocaust filmhét Description Level: Item Container: Digital container

Available in the Research Room

7. Cantata [1963]
directed by Jancsó, Miklós
Original Title: Oldás és kötés Moving Image DVD-ROM (107 min.) Hungary : MAFILM Budapest Filmstúdió, 1963

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00003121

8. My Way Home [1964]
directed by Jancsó, Miklós
Original Title: Így jöttem Moving Image DVD-ROM (98 min.) Hungary : MAFILM Kreatív Média Műhely, 1964

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00004054

9. Silence and Cry [1968]
directed by Jancsó, Miklós
Original Title: Csend és kiáltás – aka Silence et cri Moving Image DVD-ROM (83 min.) Hungary : MAFILM, 1968

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00003119

10. The Confrontation [1968]
directed by Jancsó, Miklós
Original Title: Fényes szelek Moving Image DVD-ROM (82 min.) Hungary : MAFILM, 1968

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00003116