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361. Maradék [2005]
directed by Ambrus, Vilmos; Krasznahorkai, Balázs
Moving Image DVD-ROM (25 min.) Hungary : Inforg Stúdió, 2005

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00002773

362. A Murder Revisited [2011]
directed by Miletic, Milan
Moving Image DVD-ROM (25 min.) Germany, 2011

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00004628

363. A Number is My Name [2007]
directed by Popovic, Marko
Original Title: Ime mi je broj Moving Image DVD-ROM (25 min.) Serbia and Montenegro : TV B92, 2007

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00004030

364. Merciless Angel [2010]
directed by Petric, Vlada
Original Title: Nemilosrdni andjeo Moving Image DVD (13 min.) USA: 2010

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00006606

directed by Mandic, Ivan
Original Title: Nestanak Heroja Moving Image DVD-ROM (88 min.) Serbia and Montenegro : Akademski Filmski Centar, 2009

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00003501

366. World Champion [2016]
directed by Pavkov, Lana
Original Title: Prvak Sveta HDD (10 min.) Serbia : Pankerica Productions, 2016

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00005914

Call Number
HU OSA 304-0-16 Records of the International Human Rights Law Institute Relating to the Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia: Video Recordings Relating to the Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia
Moving Image, 20 min. Description Level: Item Container: VHS NTSC

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00007527

Call Number
368. Visit to Karlovac [1992]
HU OSA 304-0-16 Records of the International Human Rights Law Institute Relating to the Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia: Video Recordings Relating to the Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia
Moving Image, 6 min. Description Level: Item Container: VHS NTSC

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00007555

Call Number
HU OSA 307-0-2 ''VIN'' Programs Broadcast at Studio B Television - Belgrade: Television Programs ''Weekly Independent News''
Moving Image, 55 min. Description Level: Item Container: BetaSP PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00007037

Call Number
370. Visit to Karlovac [1992]
HU OSA 350-1-1 Records of the International Monitor Institute: Europe: Balkan Archive
Moving Image Description Level: Item Container: BetaSP NTSC

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00000225