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Call Number
HU OSA 418-1-1 András Szekfü Collection of Documents and Videos: Video Material: Environmental And Political Affairs Video Collection
Moving Image, 45 min. 45 sec. Original Title: A háború küszöbén. Az 1956-os magyar forradalom Description Level: Folder Container: VHS PAL

Digital version available | HU_OSA_00032326

Call Number
HU OSA 420-2-1 Collection on the Hungarian Institute for Public Opinion Research: Publications and Research Reports: Manuscripts, Background Materials
Textual Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-1-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Social Scientific Research Projects: Skilled Workers and Vocational Trainees
Textual Original Title: Akciókutatás a szakiskolai fejlesztési program társadalmi környezeti kapcsolatainak megteremtéséhez és működtetéséhez Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-1-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Social Scientific Research Projects: Skilled Workers and Vocational Trainees
Textual Original Title: CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) Scenarios: European Training Foundation: Advisory Forum Meeting 10-12, June, 1996 [Riportok] Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-1-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Social Scientific Research Projects: Skilled Workers and Vocational Trainees
Textual Original Title: CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) Scenarios: Magyar munkacsoport [Konferenciája; Szekcióülések; Vitaanyagok; Jelentések Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-1-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Social Scientific Research Projects: Skilled Workers and Vocational Trainees
Textual Original Title: CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) Scenarios: Nemzeti munkacsoportok jelentései (Ausztria, Bosznia-Hercegovina, Csehország, Egyesült Királyság) Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-1-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Social Scientific Research Projects: Skilled Workers and Vocational Trainees
Textual Original Title: Közösen a Jövő Munkahelyeiért Alapítvány: Fehérvári, A., Liskó I., Tóth, É.: Fiatal szakmunkások a munkaerőpiacon Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-1-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Social Scientific Research Projects: Skilled Workers and Vocational Trainees
Textual Original Title: Nemzeti Szakképzési Intézet tanulmánya Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
HU OSA 429-1-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Social Scientific Research Projects: Skilled Workers and Vocational Trainees
Textual Original Title: A szakszervezet átalakulása (Kutatási résztanulmány) Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room

Call Number
9210. [Studies: Unemployment] [1993 - 2000]
HU OSA 429-1-1 Mihály Csákó Personal Papers: Social Scientific Research Projects: Skilled Workers and Vocational Trainees
Textual Original Title: [Szakirodalom: Munkanélküliség] Description Level: Folder Container: Archival boxes

Available in the Research Room