European modernism and the information society : informing the present, understanding the past

General Information

Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2008.
Physical Description
xiii, 343 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.


Rayward, W. Boyd, 1939-


Information science > Europe > History.
Documentation > Europe > History.
Information society > Europe.
Knowledge, Sociology of > Europe.

Bibliographic Information

[edited by] by W. Boyd Rayward.
Introduction: European modernism and the information society : conceptual interdependence / W. Boyd Rayward -- Understanding the information domain : the uneasy relations between sociology and cultural studies and the peculiar absence of history / Frank Webster -- On the cultural and intellectual context of European documentation in the early twentieth century / Michael Buckland -- A tale of two narratives : prolegomena to an alternative history of library and information science / Steve Fuller -- The role of facts in Paul Otlet's modernist project of documentation / Bernd Frohmann -- Ferdinand Vander Haeghen's shadow on Otlet : European resistance to the Americanized modernism of the Office international de bibliographie / Pieter Uyttenhove and Sylvia Van Peteghem -- Towers and globes : architectural and epistemological differences between Patrick Geddes's Outlook towers and Paul Otlet's Mundaneums / Pierre Chabard -- Building society, constructing knowledge, weaving the web : Otlet's visualizations of a global information society and his concept of a universal civilization / Charles van den Heuvel -- Networking knowledge before the information society : the Manchester Central Library (1934) and the metaphysical-professional philosophy of L.S. Jast / Alistair Black -- Documentation and utopia : Fabian anticipations of the information society / Alistair S. Duff -- Public science in Britain and the origins of documentation and information science, 1890-1950 / Dave Muddiman -- The march of the modern and the reconstitution of the world's knowledge apparatus : H.G. Wells, encyclopedism, and the world brain / W. Boyd Rayward -- The modern museum in the age of its mechanical reproducibility : Otto Neurath and the Museum of Society and Economy in Vienna / Nader Vossoughian -- Gesellschaft und wirtschaft : an encyclopedia in Otto Neurath's pictorial statistics from 1930 / Sybilla Nikolow -- Visualizing social facts : Otto Neurath's isotype project / Frank Hartmann -- Paper parasite : F.M. Feldhaus and the historiography of technology / Markus Krajewski -- Roots of mediating information : aspects of the German information movement / Thomas Hapke.


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