The film follows four protagonists in Tehran during the Shiite mourning rituals of Ashura, commemorating the death of Imam Hossein, the grandson of the Prophet Mohammad. All over Tehran and other Iranian cities people relive Imam Hossein’s story with passion plays and processions carrying the Alam, heavy, ornate metal structures up to 20 meters wide. The director looks at the Moharram from the perspective of average citizens of Tehran. For non-orthodox youngsters, the ritual is mainly an opportunity to meet members of the opposite sex. A middle-aged woman and her female friends put their energy into the preparation of an enormous feast. Young religious men come closer to each other during this major event, which ends with the Day of Ashura, known for its traditional flagellation ritual. A rare, intimate insight into Shiite beliefs as well as life in contemporary Iranian society caught between tradition and modernity.