LEADER 02705cas a2200565 4500001 11158425 005 20151111201049.0 007 t| 008 751019c19529999enkqr p 0 a0eng 003 hubpceuo 022 0031-2746 |2z 035 (OCoLC)ocm01713839 037 |bJournals Subscription Dept., Oxford University Press, Pinkhill House, Southfield Rd., Eynsham, Oxford OX8 1JJ, UK 040 DLC |cMnMULS |dOCoLC |dCtY |dNIC |dN |dDLC |dAIP |dNSDP |dAIP |dMH |dNST |dMH |dOCoLC |dNST |dNSDP |dWaU |dNSDP |dNST |dInU |dNdMinS |dMCM |dDNLM |dMCM |dOCoLC |dWaU |dOCoLC |dMCM |dCU-S |dNLGGC |dCaQQL |dCaQMUQ |dCLU |dOCoLC 042 lcnsdp 050 00 D1 |b.P37 082 04 905 |bP291 210 0 Past present 222 0 Past & present 245 00 Past & present. 246 30 Past and present 260 [Oxford] |bOxford University Press for the Past and Present Society, [etc.] 300 no. |c22 cm. 310 4 no. a year, |b1969- 321 Two no. a year, |b1952-61 321 3 no. a year, |b1962-68 362 0 no. 1- Feb. 1952- 500 "A journal of historical studies." 530 Also available to subscribers via the World Wide Web. 550 Vols. for Apr. 1958- published by the Past and Present Society. 555 No. 1-53, 1952-71. 1 v.; no. 1-100, 1952-83. 1 v.; no. 101-113, 1983-86. 1 v.; no. 114-117, 1987. 1 v. 650 0 History |vPeriodicals. 710 2 Past and Present Society. 770 0 |tPast and present supplements |x1754-7938 |w(DLC)sn 86015013 |w(OCoLC)6415875 776 1 |tPast & present (Kendal, England : Online) |w(DLC) 2002227360 |w(OCoLC)51205445 776 08 |iOnline version: |tPast & present |w(OCoLC)567424324 850 CaMWUCCaOONMCtYDLCInUMHMH-HiMH-LmWaUWM 852 |xuniversal pattern 853 30 |81no. |vc |i(year) |j(month) |wq |x02 906 7 |bcbc |cserials |d3 |encip |f19 |gn-oclcserc 942 |2ddc |cCR 984 srvf |d2001-08-09 952 |00 |10 |2ddc |3UBND |40 |672426 |70 |919405OSA |bOSA |d2011-12-12 |hFebruary 1998 (No. 158) - November 2004 (No. 185) |l0 |o7/24/2/6 |r2011-12-12 |w2011-12-12 |yCR 952 |00 |10 |2ddc |3UBND |40 |672426 |70 |919406OSA |bOSA |d2011-12-12 |hMay 2005 (No. 187) - Feb 2007 (No. 194) |l0 |o7/24/2/6 |r2011-12-12 |w2011-12-12 |yCR 952 |00 |10 |2ddc |3UBND |40 |672426 |70 |919407OSA |bOSA |d2011-12-12 |hAug. 2007 (No. 196) - Nov. 2010 (No. 209) |l0 |o7/24/2/6 |r2011-12-12 |w2011-12-12 |yCR 952 |00 |10 |2ddc |3UBND |40 |672426 |70 |919408OSA |bOSA |d2011-12-12 |hMay 2011 (No. 211) |l0 |o7/24/2/6 |r2011-12-12 |w2011-12-12 |yCR 920 01 1e2Gx7oG 992 01 72426 |bSXVXT 966 |cIn the Research Room