A adaptation of a novel by Edward Redliński and a grotesque on country life. A peasant called Kaziuk leaves one morning to collect brushwood. When he comes back everything seems to be radically different. His cow has calved prematurely – which brings bad luck. What is more, he sees a wondering beggar, a young teacher and a party activist at his home. The activist wants to build a school and an electricity line, because the peasants enjoy poor hygiene and live in superstition. Kaziuk understands little of it, but remains impressed. The next day it turns out that the teacher is to become Kaziuk’s lodger. She stirs erotic fantasies in him. In a fit of frustration Kaziuk cuts down a family tree - a sacrilegious act in the eyes of his relatives. When he goes further and uses a scythe to cutting the grass instead of a sickle he turns the whole village against him.