Operation Christ-Episode 1
General Information
- Original Title
- Operation Christ : Trilogy
- Author/Creator
- Andersen, Nicolai director
- Language
- English, Romanian.
- Published
- Denmark ; Romania, 2016.
- Physical Description
- HDD (89 min)
- Digital ver. identifier
- HU_OSA_00006060
- Summary
- A three-part investigation into a case of serious human rights violations carried out by Romanian authorities against the MISA yoga spiritual movement and their mentor Gregorian Bivolaru.
These violations culminated in 2004 in an armed police raid of an unheard magnitude against the yoga school. As a result, shortly afterwards, Gregorian Bivolaru left to Sweden, where he received political asylum in 2005.
The Trilogy provides evidence related to the testimony he gave before the Cluj Tribunal. In the trial against Gregorian Bivolaru and 21 other yoga practitioners, volunteer work performed for the organisation was presented by the prosecutors and the media in Romania as human trafficking.
- Genre
- Documentary films
Bibliographic Information
- Title Translation
- Operation Christ-Episode 1
- Library Special Collection
- Verzio Film Festival Submission
Item Type |
Current Location |
Call Number |
Status |
Shelving Location |
Public Note |
Digital film | OSA Film Library | FL Record 4338 (HU_OSA_00006060.mp4) | Available | | Access Copy, MP4 format |