Kollektiv für sozialistisches Bauen : proletarische Bauausstellung

General Information

German, English. German and English.
Berlin : Haus der Kulturen der Welt, 2015.
Physical Description
176 pages : illustrations (some color), maps, plans ; 30 cm.


Fezer, Jesko, 1970- (editor.)
Boreham, Andrew, (translator.)
Haus der Kulturen der Welt, (publisher.)
Kollektiv für sozialistisches Bauen (Berlin, Germany). Proletarische Bauausstellung (1931 : (Berlin, Germany),) (conceptor, originator.)


Kollektiv für sozialistisches Bauen (Berlin, Germany). Proletarische Bauausstellung (1931 : Berlin, Germany) > History > Congresses.
Kollektiv für sozialistisches Bauen (Berlin, Germany). Proletarische Bauausstellung (1931 : Berlin, Germany) > History > Exhibitions.
Architecture, Domestic > Germany > History > 20th century > Congresses.
Architecture, Domestic > Germany > History > 20th century > Exhibitions.
Working class > Dwellings > Germany > History > 20th century > Congresses.
Working class > Dwellings > Germany > History > 20th century > Exhibitions.
Communism and architecture > Germany > History > 20th century > Congresses.
Communism and architecture > Germany > History > 20th century > Exhibitions.
National socialism and architecture > Congresses.
National socialism and architecture > Exhibitions.
Architecture > Germany > History > 20th century > Congresses.
Architecture > Germany > History > 20th century > Exhibitions.

Bibliographic Information

Redaktion, Jesko Fezer [and four others] ; Übersetzung der historischen Quelltexte ins Englische, Andrew Boreham = Collective for socialist architecture : proletarian building exhibition / editing, Jesko Fezer [and four others] ; translation of the historical sources into English, Andrew Boreham.
Title Variation
Collective for socialist architecture : proletarian building exhibition
Cover title.
Some pages have a smaller size than others.
"Over thirty years after the last in-depth discussion of the Proletarian Building Exhibition, it was possible to bring together a group of researchers whose work addresses the particular individuals involved, the associated institutions, and the main themes. The topics of the following contributions are the result of a workshop held in March 2015 at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt"--Page 7.
The publication series is part of the exhibition project Wohnungsfrage (October 23 to December 14, 2015), conceived by Jesko Fezer, Nikolaus Hirsch, Wilfried Kuehn, and Hila Peleg for Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin.


Item Type Current Location Collection Call Number Volume Info Shelving Location Public Note
BookOSA Archivum LibraryGeneral collection724.6 KOLGeneral Stacks-

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