A Chinese woman's search for her real parents, members of the Red Guard who abandoned her shortly after she was born. Haixia has spent her entire life in Yan'an and she longs to know why she was abandoned. Through her single-minded quest for her parents, the viewer is offered an intimate glimpse of events which occurred in China in the mid-1960's, Mao inaugurated his Cultural Revolution, including the slogan "Young people will learn the roots of the revolution from peasant farmers." Haixia's parents were among sixteen million students to whom this slogan applied. The indisputable existence of the daughter of Yan'an forces the forsaken children of the revolution to confront the bitterness of the past - a period in which the smiling masses, resolutely looking forward to a splendid future, concealed the unbearable private suffering of so many individuals. An exceptionally personal view of the legacy of Cultural Revolution in China.