Russia and her colonies

General Information

Kolarz, Walter.
London : G. Philip, 1952.
Physical Description
xiv, 334 p. : maps. ; 23 cm.


Minorities > Russia.
Russia > Colonies.

Bibliographic Information

by Walter Kolarz.
I. Russian colonization and Soviet nationalities policy -- II. Inner Russia. 1. The Tartars. A test case -- 2. Bashkiria. The new oil republic -- 3. The Chuvash. Nationalism without Pan-ism -- 4. "Finnish Russia" -- 5. The Inner North -- III. "Liquidates" peoples. 1. The Russian Germans -- 2. The Crimean Tartars -- 3. Kalmucks -- IV. The North-Western border. 1. Challenge to Scandinavia -- 2. Karelia. The Scandunavian Soviet Republic -- 3. The Baltic Soviet Republics -- V. The Western borderlands. 1. The Ukraine -- 2. Soviet Moldavia -- 3. Byelorussia -- VI. The Jews. A people of the Soviet Union. -- VII. The North Caucasus peoples -- VIII. Transcaucasia. 1. Armenians -- 2. Georgians -- 3. Azerbaidzhan -- 4. Transcaucasian minorities -- IX. Soviet Central Asia. 1. Kazakhstan -- 2. Kirghizistan -- 3. Uzbekistan -- 4. Tadzhikistan -- 5. Turkmenistan -- 6. The minorities of Soviet Central Asia -- X. Soviet nationalities policy as a world problem.
Library Special Collection
HU OSA 300 - RFE/RL collection


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