Antisovetskaia pravda : illiustrirovannoe prilozhenie k "(Ia I ty i...) nashe chuvstvo gorbachevizma"

General Information

Sankt-Peterburg, 1989, Nov..
Physical Description


Bogdanov, Aleksandr Georgievich, (editor.)
Lin'kov, Ruslan.
Rodin, Aleksandr.


Leningradskaia oblast' (Russia)

Bibliographic Information

Contact information: 199106, Sankt-Peterburg, Vasil'evskii ostrov, ul.Shevchenko, 3-b, kv.12, A.Bogdanovu; t.: 2174296, 2964529 (R.Lin'kov), 1765982 (A.Rodin)
1989, unnumbered issue (no date) has no subtitle, has a motto "Vpered! K pobede antikommunizma!" Colophone: "26 Oktiabria 2017 goda", "Ill. appendix to "Nashemu Chuvstvu Gorbachevizma". Text on p. 1, unnumbered (no date) has no subtitle, has a motto "Dorogaia Raisa Maksimovna". Text on p. 1-2, 2 (October?) Colophone: "Fall 2089". Text on p. 1-2. (same as No. 22, 1990). AS also has a version on the 2nd page of which the same text as on the 2nd page of the special of issue is printed ("7 noiabria 2089 goda"), version 1), 3 (no date) has no subtitle, has a motto "KGB eto edinstvennaia organizatsiia, kotoraia ne razvalilas'!" Colophone: "Noiabr 2089". Text on p.1, unnumbered (end of December-beginning of January 1990) Special issue, colophone: "7 noiabria 2089 goda". Text on p. 1-2. AS has 5 versions of the issue 1) Colophone: "prilozhenie k "Nashemu Chuvstvu Gorbachevizma"; p. 2: "Vyp'em za Rodinu! Vyp'em za Stalina! Tost v novogodniuiu noch'". (No. 10 "Ia i ty i...nashe chuvstvo..."), 1990, January was attached to the version, 2) Same colophone; same on p.1, but on p. 2 - a copy of p. Bzhezinskogo (no references to the source) from journal "Rodina", 1989, No. 10., 3) Same colophone; same on p. 1, but on p. 2 - "Litovskaia lambada Mikhaila Gorbacheva" (same as No. 15, 1990, April). 4) "prilozhenie..." (abbreviated, just first letters "pri") is removed from the colophone, the rest of the issue matches with the version No. 3) , 5) Same colophone, as in issue 1) same on p. 1, but on p. 2: "Ia i ty i...nashe chuvstvo...", No. 9; 1990, No. 7 (no earlier that the end of January) has a subtitle Organ Respublikanskoi partii, 8 (February), 10 (no date) has no subtitle, has a motto "Raspustit' KGB na vse chetyre storony!" (Included into one of the copies as an appendix "Sovety startsa khristianam" with some polygraphic differences). No date, no subtitle; some elements of the graphic design are changed. Reproduction of No. 10 "Ia t ty...", January 1990, 12 (no date) Same subtitle. Parts of the issue are reprinted in newspaper "Smena", 5.5.90, with the date "April 1990", 15 April. P. 2 is identical with p. 2 of the special issue 1989; versions 2,3); No. 17 (no date) same as issue No. 18; 18 (May) has no subtitle. AS has two versions of the issue: 1) P. 2 is identical with p. 2 of No. 17; 2) With the text on p. 2 - "Zadachi novoi revoliutsii..."; No. 19 (no date) see No. 24. (20 June) on p. 2; No. 21, (June?) p. 1; No. 20, 22 (no date) on p. 2 reprinted on p. 1; No. 2, 1989, No. 24 (July) on p. 2; No.19, unnumbered (no date) is a special issue. Text ("Pesnia o Bore vestnike!") on p.1; No. 29 (December?, may be the beginning of 1991?) On p. 2; No. 30, (December?, may be beginning of 1991?) on p. 1; No. 29; 1992, 34 (Winter, special issue).
Library Special Collection
HU OSA 300-85-19 - Informal Press


Item Type Current Location Collection Call Number Volume Info Shelving Location Public Note
Continuing resourcesOSA Archivum LibraryHU OSA 300-85-19 Informal Press1 AB1989, unnumbered (no date), unnumbered (no date), 2 (October?), 3 (no date), unnumbered; 1990, No. 7, 8 (February), 10 (no date), 12 (no date), 17 (no date), 18, 19 (no date), 21, 22 (no date), 23 (July), 24 (July), unnumbered (no date), 25 (July), 26 (August), 27 (no date), 28 (October), 29, 30; 1992, No. 34General stacks-

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