Nazi chic? : fashioning women in the Third Reich

General Information

Guenther, Irene, 1954-
Oxford ; New York : Berg, 2004.
Physical Description
ix, 499 p., [32] p. of plates : ill. ; 24 cm.


We are all familiar with the stereotype of the German woman as either a Brunhilde in uniform or a chubby farmer's wife. However, throughout the interwar period fashion was one of Germany's largest industries and German women ranked among the most elegantly dressed in all of Europe. This book explores the failed attempt by the Nazi state to construct a female image that would mirror official gender policies, instill feelings of national pride, promote a German victory on the fashion runways of Europe, and support a Nazi-controlled European fashion industry. How did the few women with power maintain style and elegance? How did the majority experience the increased standardization of clothing characteristic of the Nazi years? How did women deal with the severe clothing restrictions brought about by Nazi policies and the exigencies of war? Nazi 'Chic'? addresses these questions and many others, including the role of anti-Semitism, "aryanization," and the hypocrisy of Nazi policies. The result is the first book in English to deal comprehensively with German fashion from World War I through to the end of the Third Reich.


Women's clothing > Germany > History > 20th century.
Nationalism and clothing.
National socialism and women.
Germany > Social life and customs > 20th century.

Bibliographic Information

Irene Guenther.
Introduction -- The fashion debate in World War I -- The "new" woman -- Fashioning women in the Third Reich -- "Purifying" the German clothing industry -- Germany's National Fashion Institute -- The war years -- Conclusion.
Library Special Collection
The Roger Griffin ComFas Collection


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