The black and white prints of RFE/RL were donated to OSA by the Hoover Institute, California in year 2015. The images are duplicates of those held at Hoover. The originals, and most probably the negatives are with the donor as well. OSA only received the paper prints with captions, and digitized the entire collection in year 2018.
The photo included a photo of Charles Douglas Jackson and a sign on the conference room named after him. The sign reads: In memoriam C.D. Jackson, 1902-1964 Vice-chairman of the board, a former president of the Free Europe Committee and a guiding spirit from the earliest days of Radio Free Europe. His vigorous and creative leadership and whole-hearted and constant personal commitment to the objectives of the Free Europe Committee contributed immeasurably to its effective pursuit of those objectives. His devotion to the cause of freedom remains an inspiration to men of good will everywhere. C.f. HU OSA 300-1-8/6:62, HU OSA 300-1-8/6:63.