Merkurii : periodicheskoe izdanie Soveta predstavitelei ("Epitsentr") sotsial'no-kul'turnogo dvizheniia

General Information

Leningrad [Sankt-Peterburg] : Sovet predstavitelei sotsial'no-kul'turnogo dvizheniia "Epitsentr", 1987, May.
Physical Description


Zelinskaia, Elena Konstantinovna, (editor.)
Kozhevnikov, Petr Valero'evich.
Monakhov, Viktor Nikolaevich.
Talalai, Mikhail.
Ignat'ev, Roman.


Leningradskaia oblast' (Russia)

Bibliographic Information

Contact information: 190000, Leningrad [Sankt-Peterburg], post office, a/ia 156
1987, No. 2 (June) has a subtitle: ...Soveta kul'turno-demokraticheskogo dvizheniia "Epitsentr", 3 (photocopy, 1.07) has a subtitle: ...Soveta KDD "Epitsentr", 4 (August) has a subtitle without abbreviations; 1988, N. 15 (photocopy, September) colophone: published by IAS, 16 (November) special issue has no subtitle. Colophone: publishing house IAS "Niva". Issue is devoted to the problems of samizdat; partially available in: AS No. 6337 6338, 17 (December) special issue. AS has original publication and a copy of IAS edition. The issue is compiled from the materials devoted to the "Pamiat'" movement; 1989, No. 18 (January) special issue: Vstrecha s kollektivom Vysshei komsomol'skoi shkoly pri TsK VLKSM /1500 chel./ 12.11.88 g. 14.00 - 19.00 /Stenogramma rechi B.El'tsina/, unnumbered special issue.: "Baltika-89" /k Severo-zapadnoi obshchestvennoi ekologicheskoi konferentsii/, L. [SPb.], 11 i 12 marta 1989
Library Special Collection
HU OSA 300-85-19 - Informal Press


Item Type Current Location Collection Call Number Volume Info Shelving Location Public Note
Continuing resourcesOSA Archivum LibraryHU OSA 300-85-19 Informal Press24 AB, 25 AB1987, 1 (photocopy, May), 2 (photocopy, June), 3 (photocopy, 1.07), 4 (August), 5 (September), 6 (October), 7 (photocopy, November), 8 (photocopy, December); 1988, No. 10 (photocopy), 11 (photocopy), 15 (photocopy, September), 16 (November), 17 (December); 1989, No. 18 (January)General stacks-

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