Connectivity wars : why migration finance and trade are the geo-economic battlegrounds of the future

General Information

[London] : European Council on Foreign Relations, [2016]
Physical Description
221 p. : ill. ; 20 cm.


Leonard, Mark, 1974- (editor.)


Geopolitics -- Economic aspects -- 21st century > Economic aspects > 21st century.
Globalization > 21st century.
International economic relations > 21st century.

Bibliographic Information

edited by Mark Leonard.
Foreword / Michael Schwarz -- Introduction: connectivity wars / Mark Leonard -- The battlegrounds: economic warfare: 1. The new geo-economic game / Juan Zarate -- 2. How the EU learned to love sanctions / Clara Portela -- 3. The return of the visible hand / Simon J. Evenett -- 4. Economic repression as a foreign policy tool / Michael Hessel -- 5. Currency wars without end / James Rickards -- 6. Divestment campaigns: bottom-up geo-economics / Atif Ansar & Ben Caldecott -- 7. The weaponisation of migration / Kelly M. Greenhill -- Weaponising institutions: 8. China's shadow world order / Moritz Rudolf -- 9. Gated globalisation / Hina Rabbani Khar -- 10. How geopolitics will end globalisationas we know it / Thomas Wright -- Infrastructure competition: 11. The era of infrastructure alliances / Parag Khanna -- 12. The geo-economics of the digital / Carla Hobbs, Andrew Puddephatt & José Ignacio Torreblanca -- 13. The Chinese cyber-sovereignty agenda / Rogier Creemers -- The warriors: established powers: 14. The US: declining might? / Ian Bremmer -- 15. The EU as a regulatory power / Anu Bradford -- 16. The reinvention of German power / Stephen F. Szabo -- 17. Germany: a private sector perspective / Stefan Mair -- 18. Europe's limitations / Hans Kundnani -- 19. How to increase Europe's clout / Sebastian Dullien -- Challengers: 20. Why emerging countries are hedging against the global system / Ulrike Esther Franke -- 21. China: turning money into power / James Reilly -- 22. Russia: a diverse arsenal / Andrey Movchan -- 23. Saudi Arabia: harnessing the oil market / Dag Harald Claes, Andreas Goldthau & David Livingston.
Library Special Collection
HU OSA 207 - Donation of the Open Society Institute-Budapest


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