This family drama set in contemporary, post-1990 Zagreb centers around youngster Toni, whose neighbor and ex-girlfriend Zrinka announces she is leaving with her mother for Italy in search of work. He finally realizes that he loves her and wants to leave with her. But there is yet another reason for his decision – Toni desperately wants to get away from his difficult family situation. His whole family is terrorized by his father, a traumatized war veteran with a serious case of PTSP. After nervous Toni unintentionally provokes the latest family incident, his mother ends up in hospital after a beating from his father, who is taken into custody. At that point, Toni’s grandfather and grandmother, who never accepted their son’s wife and blame her for all of his troubles, decide to kidnap Toni’s little sister Klara. Backed with political connections, they wish to take care of her and provide her with a proper moral upbringing. So Toni finds himself torn between his loved one, who is already packing her bags for Italy, and his family which he cannot leave in this hard times. The final sentimental scene finds them all in the yard in front of the hospital where the father, having escaped from prison, threatens to blow up everyone with the hand grenade.