A Jungle Book of Regulations

General Information

Original Title
Nie ma róźy bez ognia
Bareja, Stanisław, director.
English, Polish
Poland : Zespoły Filmowe Pryzmat, 1974.
Physical Description
DVD-ROM (91 min.)
Digital ver. identifier


A comedy dealing with Polish housing problems and the absurdities of regulations. Wanda and Jan Wiliakiewicz live in a tiny room in an office building. Jan deliberately stays at work to avoid going back home. One day they get a chance to move to a comfortable double-room apartment. They seize this opportunity, but soon Wanda’s ex-husband Jerzy moves in too. They are divorced, but he is still officially registered in Wanda’s apartment, and thus claims the right to one of the rooms. Jan decides to bring Lusia – Jerzy’s fiancée – to Warsaw, hoping she will help get rid of the unwanted tenant. She comes, but along with her new fiancée, and soon her father arrives with some furniture too. Jan’s nerves cannot take this any longer, and he ends up in hospital. Eventually, they move back to the original building, but now to a four-room apartment, from which the offices have been evicted. But Jerzy comes along too, claiming his right to the fifth room…


Fiction films

Bibliographic Information

Title Translation
A Jungle Book of Regulations
Duration: 01:31:00
Copyright Status
Copyright by SF Dom ; SF Kadr ; SF Oko


Item Type Current Location Call Number Status Shelving Location Public Note
DVD-ROMOSA Film LibraryFL Record 0730Available--
Digital filmOSA Film LibraryFL Record 0730
AvailableAccess Copy, MP4 format