The film is situated in Bosnia in 1993 during the recent war. It tells the story of three wounded soldiers, two Bosnians and one Serb, who after various skirmishes confront each other in a trench in no man's land. Things get even more complicated as one of the wounded Bosnian soldiers can't move and is forced to lie as a bouncing mine, laid by another Serb soldier, is beneath him. The two wounded soldiers, Bosnian Cuki and Serb Nino wait for dark in order to retreat, trading insults; sometimes one has the gun, sometimes the other and sometimes both. Still they manage to find some common ground, decide to cooperate and wave white flags forcing their lines to call the UN to negotiate and find some way out of the crises. The story unfolds as, first, the UN high command tries very hard not to help, but then a French sergeant shows courage and moves in and an English reporter shows up looking for an exclusive TV story. In a bloody finale, both the hypocrisy of international military observers and the tragedy of war come to the surface.