A German Youth

General Information

Original Title
Une Jeunesse Allemande
Périot, Jean-Gabriel, director.
France, 2015.
Physical Description
HDD (93 min.)
Digital ver. identifier


At the end of the 1960s the post-war generation began to revolt against their parents. This was a generation disillusioned by anti-communist capitalism and a state apparatus in which they believed they saw fascist tendencies. This generation included journalist Ulrike Meinhof, lawyer Horst Mahler, filmmaker Holger Meins as well as students Gudrun Ensslin and Andreas Baader. Their protest against the state led to the founding of the Red Army Faction (RAF). Constructed entirely from copious film and audio material, the film spotlights their gradual transformation and increasing politicization until they take up armed resistance; it also describes the reactions of the government of the Federal Republic of Germany at the time. Une jeunesse allemande offers an outsider’s view of the Federal Republic of Germany in the RAF era; it also provides a lesson in radical behavior and society’s reactions to it.


Documentary films

Bibliographic Information

Title Translation
A German Youth
French-German-Swiss co-production. Only available on HDD Verzio11/12 located: M22 R17 S2 R4
Library Special Collection
Verzio Film Festival Submission


Item Type Current Location Call Number Status Shelving Location Public Note
-OSA Film LibraryFL Record 3895Available--
Digital filmOSA Film LibraryFL Record 3895
AvailableAccess Copy, MP4 format