Media, nationalism and European identities

General Information

Budapest ; New York : Central European University Press, c2011.
Physical Description
428 p. ; 24 cm.


Sükösd, Miklós.
Jakubowicz, Karol.


Mass media > Political aspects > Europe.
Mass media and nationalism > Europe.
Mass media policy > Europe.
Group identity > Europe.
Europe > Economic integration > Political aspects.

Bibliographic Information

edited by Miklós Sükösd, Karol Jakubowicz.
Six communicative deficits in the European Union / Karol Jakubowicz, Miklós Sükösd -- Section 1: The European public sphere and European integration: 1. The transnationalization/Europeanization of public sphere/s, / Slavko Splichal -- 2. What is Europe? Geographies of journalism / Inka Salovaara-Moring -- 3: Media representations of EU matters in national media systems: the Hungarian case / István Hegedűs -- 4: Pan-European media: attempts and limitations / Peter J. Varga -- 5: Aiding integration and identity: the unfulfilled roles and functions of the Romani media in Eastern Europe / Peter Gross, Katerina Spasovska -- Section 2: National and transnational udentities: 6: The media and nationalism, East and West: a revision of existing debates / Sabina Mihelj -- 7: The Pplitics of belonging: identity anxiety in the European Union / Farrel Corcoran -- 8: European media and the culture of Europeanness / Dominic Boyer, Miklós Sükösd -- 9: Pan-European, national, regional and minority identities in the Eurovision Song Contest / Gonzalo Torres -- Section 3: European media policy: boon or barrier to European integration? 10: European melting pots? European integration and EU audiovisual policy at a crossroads / Karol Jakubowicz -- 11: Which frontiers for EU media policy: an assessment in the context of the European project / Monica Arino -- 12: The clash of resonance: media pluralism in European regulatory policies / Beata Klimkiewicz -- 13: Digital television and the search for content / Petros Iosifidis.


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BookOSA Archivum LibraryGeneral collection302.2/309/4 SUKOSA RepositoryDonation of School of Public Policy.

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