CNN News Broadcasts of the Gulf War [4/4]

Call Number

General information

Call No.:
Part of series
HU OSA 350-4-3 Records of the International Monitor Institute: Middle East: Iraq
Located at
BetaSP NTSC #106 / No. 1
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Date of production
Primary Type
Moving image
1 hour 22 min.


Television program
Contents Summary
Clip 1: Continuation of “The MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour” coverage of the Gulf War (Clip 13 from “CNN News Broadcasts of Gulf War – 3”). Contains news reports, military press briefings, interviews with analysts, coverage of the end of the ground war, footage with Iraqi prisoners of war, footage with U.S. soldiers in action, and a discussions of Bush’s policy towards the Middle East. News anchors and journalists: Robert MacNeil and Jim Lehrer. Clip 2: Interviews with Lt. Col. Ali Dashatii (Kuwait Army), Ali Essa Al-Bloushi (Resistance Unit Leader), and Yaser Gradansar (Resistance Unit Leader), in Brian Jenkins’ CNN report. Clip 3: Susan Rook (CNN Central) and Bernard Shaw (CNN Washington) report on the situation in the Gulf after the end of the war. The report includes a discussion between World Affairs Correspondent Ralph Begleiter and Germany’s Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor Hans-Dietrich Genscher. Clip 4: Interviews with U.S. soldiers after hearing the news that there is a cease fire in the Gulf. Clip 5: Peter Arnett reports from Baghdad in the first night after the cease fire was declared. Clip 6: Reunion of a Kuwaiti soldier with his relatives. Clip 7: Bernard Shaw is moderating a discussion between Nicholas Veliotes (Former U.S. Ambassador to Egypt) and Lawrence Korb (Former U.S. Asst. Defense Secretary for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, and Logistics). Clip 8: Sam Donaldson (journalist and news anchor at ABC News) reports from liberated Kuwait City where its people were divided between joy and sorrow. Contains footage of destroyed infrastructure, U.S. Army operations, dead Kuwaiti civilians, and testimonies of abuse and torture suffered at the hand of the Iraqi forces. Clip 9: Report on Saddam Hussein and his possible options after the end of the Gulf War. Clip 10: Report from Safwan, Iraq, on the official meetings and talks to sign the cease fire agreement in the Gulf. Contains excerpts of one of Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf’s (Cmdr. of Operation Desert Storm) speeches. Clip 11: CNN correspondent Mike Chinoy reports from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia about the cessation of hostilities, the peace talks between the ally forces and the Iraqi officials, and the possibility of exchanging prisoners of war. Clip 12: Gene Randall reports live from the Pentagon about the non-hostile deaths that occurred after the war between Iraq and Kuwait ended. Clip 13: Talk show covering topics such as Saddam Hussein’s war crimes, Iraq’s international responsibility, and Iraq’s war debts. Among the participants: James Baker (U.S. Secretary of State), Thomas Friedman (writer and columnist, New York Times), and John Dancy (NBC News correspondent). Clip 14: Recording of a discussion with Abbas Amirie (Middle East Analyst) and Fouad Ajami (Middle East Analyst), moderated by Robert MacNeil. Topics covered: the devastation in Iraq, the problems posed by Saddam Hussein, and the future of the country. Clip 15: Recording of a discussion with Mark Shields (Washington Post) and David Gergen (U.S. News & World Report). Clip 16: Robert MacNeil presents a report about the reaction of the people in the U. S. at the announcement of the coalition victory in the Persian Gulf. Contains excerpts from an address made by President George H. W. Bush at the beginning of the Gulf War. Footage with U.S. Secretary Dick Cheney, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Collin Powell, and Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf’s (Cmdr. of Operation Desert Storm). The report includes an exposure of the effects of the Gulf War presented by journalist and writer Roger Rosenblatt.