Ukraine crisis : what it means for the West

General Information

Wilson, Andrew, 1961- author.
New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, 2014.
Physical Description
ix, 236 pages : maps ; 22 cm.


The Ukraine issue has rapidly escalated into a major geopolitical crisis, the most severe test of the relationship between Russia and the West since the Cold War. And it is far from resolved. Andrew Wilson's account situates the crisis within Russia's covert ambition since 2004 to expand its influence within the former Soviet periphery, and over countries that have since joined the EU and NATO, such as the Baltic States. He shows how Russia has spent billions developing its soft power within central Europe, aided by US diplomatic inattention in the area, and how Putin's conservative values project is widely misunderstood in he West. The book examines Yanukovych's corrupt 'coup d'etat' of 2010 and provides the most intimate day-by-day account we have of the protests in Kiev from November 2013 to February 2014 (at which Wilson was present). It explores the military coup in Crimea, the role of Russia and long-term tensions with the Muslim Crimean Tatars. It covers the election of 25 May 2014 and the prospects for new president Petro Poroshenko. And it analyses other states under pressure from Russia - Georgia, Moldova, Belarus. 'Russia will clearly not stop at Ukraine'. Andrew Wilson has been covering the Ukrainian crisis in newspapers, broadcasts and digital media (see link, was in the Maidan, Kiev, for the crucial demonstrations in February, and briefed Number 10 on his return.


Ukraine Conflict, 2014-
Ukraine > History > 1991-
Ukraine > Foreign relations > Russia (Federation)
Russia (Federation) > Foreign relations > Ukraine.
Russia (Federation) > History > 1991-

Bibliographic Information

Andrew Wilson.
Introduction -- Unfinished Europe -- Russia Putinesca -- Yanukovych's Ukraine -- Maidan 2.0 -- The uprising -- Crimea -- The eastern imbroglio -- Ukraine's unfinished revolution, or a revolution barely begun? -- Other hotspots -- Russia versus the West -- Conclusions.
Library Special Collection
HU OSA 207 - Donation of the Open Society Institute-Budapest


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