Ekspress-informatsiia tvorcheskogo tsentra

General Information

Moskva : Khozraschetnoe ob"edinenie "Tvorcheskii tsentr" : Vsesoiuznyi gumanitarnyi fond im. A. S. Pushkina : Ulei - izdatel'stvo : P.S. - izdatel'stvo : Gigiena - NPO, 1988?.
Physical Description


Romm, Mikhail N., (editor-in-chief.)
Bode, V. N.
Tsapina, R.
Mironov, A. G.
Zhukov, L. B.


Moskovskaia oblast' (Russia)

Bibliographic Information

Later editions under the title "Tsentr", "Gumanitarnyi fond"
Contact information: 119034, Moskva, Malyi Levshinskii per., 14/9, pod"ezd 8; t.: 2013079, 9055046, 4340214
1989, unnumbered (July) has a title: Tsentr. Reklamno-informatsionnyi vestnik, unnumbered (August) has a subtitle: Informatsionnyi vestnik, unnumbered (25.08) colophone: ...pri Sevastopol'; 1990, No. 1/34 (April) has a title: Gumanitarnyi fond, 2/35 (May) has a subtitle: published by KS SOTsPROF, VGF im. A.S.Pushkina, Soiuz Gumanitariev SSSR, 5/38 (July) has a subtitle: published by Vsesoiuznyi gumanitarnyi fond im. A.S.Pushkina, 7/40 (August) has a subtitle: published by KS SOTsPROF, VGF im.A.S. Pushkina, Soiuz Gumanitariev SSSR. Colophone: sponsored by publishing houses "Ulei" and "P.S.", NPO "Gigiena", 9/42 (August?) has a subtitle: published by Vsesoiuznyi gumanitarnyi fond im. A.S.Pushkina, 14/47 (November?) colophone: co-published by (?) KS SOTsPROF, 18/51 (approved for print: 17.12) Total numeration contains a mistake: 50. Sponsors are not specified; 1991, No. 5/23-56 (14.01) (sic!); 1992, No. 8/111 (approved for print: 18.02) has a subtitle: published by Vsesoiuznyi gumanitarnyi fond im. A.S.Pushkina
Library Special Collection
HU OSA 300-85-19 - Informal Press


Item Type Current Location Collection Call Number Volume Info Shelving Location Public Note
Continuing resourcesOSA Archivum LibraryHU OSA 300-85-19 Informal Press47 AB1989, No. 22/25 (30.05), 23-24/26-27 (6-13.06), unnumbered (July), unnumbered (August), unnumbered (25.08), unnumbered (15.09), unnumbered (20.10); 1990, No. 1/34 (April), 2/35 (May), 3/36 (June), 4/37 (June), 5/38 (June), 6/39 (August), 7/40 (August), 8/41 (August), 9/42 (August?), 10/43 (k), 11/44 (October?), 12/45 (photocopy, October?), 13/46 (October?), 14/47 (November?), 16/49 (photocopy, approved for print: 9.12), 17/50 (December?), 18/51 (approved for print: 17.12); 1991, No. 1/19-52 (3.01), 2/20-53 (3.01), 3/21-54 (9.01), 4/22-55 (14.01), 5/23-56 (14.01), 6/24-57 (26.01), 7/25-58 (beginning of February), 8/26-59 (11.02), 9/27-60 (February), 10/28-61 (27.02), 11/29-62 (5.03), 13/31-64 (19.03), 14/32-65 (26.03), 15/33-64 (2.04), 16/34-67 (8.04), 17/35-68 (15.04), 18/36-69 (22.04), 19/37-70 (23.04), 20/38-71 (29.04), 21/39-72 (6.05), 22/40-73 (13.05), 23/41-74 (22.05), 50/101 (approved for print: 10.12); 1992, No. 8/111 (approved for print: 18.02), 18/121 (approved for print: 29.04), 28/131 (approved for print: 10.07) General stacks-

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