At a first glance, 'For My Sisters' is a musical-film; a cinematic journey through the jazz age, with a charming, eloquent, and inquisitive guide, Carole Alston. 'A voice as dark and sweet as molasses', as she is referred, Carole Alston, originally from Washington D.C., has been living in Vienna for almost 30 years. The singer sets off on a trip researching for a stage show concerning some of her jazz idols; Alberta Hunter, Sarah Vaughan and Nina Simone. Slowly, the musical becomes a film expedition, which ventures into unexpected dimensions. Through this search for the origins of jazz, complex socio-political discussions emerge about the issues of slavery, sexism and racism. The jazz scenes in New Orleans, the Mississippi Delta and New York are linked to the music of the Porgy&Bess club in Vienna, and the research is interwoven with the show.