The persecution of the Jews in the Netherlands, 1940-1945 : new perspectives

General Information

Amsterdam : Vossiuspers UvA, c2012.
Physical Description
125 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.


Romijn, Peter, 1955-
Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie.


This important study surveys recent Dutch research into persecution of the Jews in the Netherlands during World War II, addressing the political, public, and private responses to National Socialism and the aftermath of the Final Solution. The authors discuss a wide range of issues, including the role of the Dutch state apparatus in the success of the persecution; popular perception of the Jews in Dutch culture of the time; a comparison of the treatment of Jews in the Netherlands, Belgium, and France; and the regime in charge of the Dutch transit to concentration camps._ With contributions from eminent historians of the Holocaust, this book draws on personal accounts and diaries to analyze the response among the Dutch population to the escalating persecution of the Dutch Jewish community, effectively contrasting the perspectives of the victims, the perpetrators, and the bystanders.


Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) > Netherlands > Historiography.
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) > Netherlands.

Bibliographic Information

Peter Romijn ... [et al.] ; with an introduction by Wichert ten Have.
Published in cooperation with NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, and the University of Amsterdam.
Introduction / Wichert ten Have -- The 'lesser evil'--the case of the Dutch local authorities and the Holocaust / Peter Romijn -- Ordinary Dutchmen and the Holocaust: a summary of findings / Bart van der Boom -- Comparing the persecution of the Jews in the Netherlands, France and Belgium, 1940-1945: similarities, differences, causes / Pim Griffioen, Ron Zeller -- The Holocaust in the Netherlands: new research of camp Vught / Marieke Meeuwenoord -- Looking back on the German Holocaust trials and the last Nazi trial in Munich against John Demjanjuk / Johannes Houwink ten Cate.
Library Special Collection
The Roger Griffin ComFas Collection


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BookOSA Archivum LibraryGeneral collection940.531809492 ROMGeneral Stacks-

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