Brill's Companion to the Classics, Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany

General Information

Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2017.
Physical Description
xiii, 471 pages : illustrations (some color), maps (some color) ; 25 cm.


Roche, Helen ((Historian),) (editor.)
Dēmētriou, Kyriakos N., (editor.)


Civilization, Modern > 20th century > Greek influences.
Civilization, Modern > 20th century > Roman influences.
Fascism and culture > Italy.
National socialism > Germany.
Civilization, Classical.
Italy > Civilization > Roman influences.
Germany > Civilization > Greek influences.
Italy > Intellectual life > 20th century.
Germany > Intellectual life > 20th century.

Bibliographic Information

edited by Helen Roche, Kyriakos Demetriou.
Brill's companions to classical reception, 2213-1426 ; Volume 12
Introduction. "Distant models"? Italian fascism, National socialism and the lure of the classics / Helen Roche -- Part I: People. The Aryans: ideology and historiographical narrative types in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries / Felix Wiedemann -- Desired bodies: Leni Riefenstahl's Olympia, Aryan masculinity and the classical body / Daniel Wildmann -- Ancient historians and fascism: how to react intellectually to totalitarianism (or not) / Dino Piovan -- Philology in exile: Adorno, Auerbach, and Klemperer / James I. Porter -- Part II: Ideas. Fascist modernity, religion, and the myth of Rome / Jan Nelis -- Bathing in the spirit of eternal Rome: the Mostra Augustea della Romanità / Joshua Arthurs -- "May a ray from Hellas shine upon us": Plato in the George-circle / Stefan Rebenich -- An antique echo: Plato and the Nazis / Alan Kim -- Classics and education in the Third Reich: die alten Sprachen and the nazification of Latin- and Greek-teaching in secondary schools / Helen Roche -- Classical antiquity, cinema and propaganda / Arthur J. Pomeroy -- Part III: Places. Classical archaeology in Nazi Germany / Stefan Altekamp -- Building the image of power: images of Romanità in the civic architecture of fascist Italy / Flavia Marcello -- Forma urbis Mussolinii: vision and rhetoric in the designs for fascist Rome / Flavia Marcello -- National socialism, classicism, and architecture / Iain Boyd Whyte -- Neoclassical form and the construction of power in fascist Italy and Nazi Germany / James J. Fortuna.
Library Special Collection
The Roger Griffin ComFas Collection


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