Unity and contradiction : major aspects of Sino-Soviet relations

General Information

New York : Praeger, [1962]
Physical Description
464 p. ; 22 cm.
Praeger publications in Russian history and world communism, no. 98


London, Kurt, 1900-1985.


Soviet Union > Foreign relations > China.
China > Foreign relations > Soviet Union.

Bibliographic Information

edited by Kurt London.
Books that matter
Political modernization in Russian and China / Cyril E. Black -- The embourgeoisement of the Soviet Union and the proletarianization of communist China / T.H. Rigby -- Soviet and Chinese goal values: a study in communism as a behavior system / Robert C. North -- Organizational contrasts between communist China and the Soviet Union / H.F. Schurmann -- Leninism and Mao Tse-tung's ideology / Masamichi Inoki -- The people's commune: a manisfestation of Sino-Soviet differences / Boris Meissner -- Factors binding the U.S.S.R. and communist China / Masao Onoe -- Soviet and Chinese communist relations with Yugoslavia / Robert F. Byrnes -- The communist powers and Afro-Asian nationalism / Hugh Seton-Watson -- Moscow, Peking, and Tokyo: views and approaches / Paul F. Langer -- The question of Sino-Soviet competition over North Vietnam / Jacques Guillermaz & Basile H. Kerblay -- India, China, and the Soviet Union / Vidya Prakash Dutt -- Sino-Soviet border regions: their changing character / Peter S.H. Tang -- Sino-Soviet economic relations in recent years / Oleg Hoeffding --
Sino-Soviet aid programs in Asia / Latif Ahmed Sherwani -- The agrarian systems in the Soviet Union and communist China: a comparison / Otto Schiller -- The Chinese ally from the Soviet point of view / Leonard Schapiro -- Conflict resolution in the Sino-Soviet alliance / Allen S. Whiting -- The problematics of Sino-Soviet bargaining / Zbigniew K. Brzezinski -- Sino-Soviet relations in the context of the "world socialist system" / Kurt London.
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HU OSA 300 - RFE/RL collection


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