Ekho : informatsionno-obzornyi biulleten' : nezavisimoe press-biuro "Info-Vzgliad"

General Information

Moskva : Moskovskoe nezavisimoe informatsionnoe agentstvo (MNIA) "Info-vzgliad", 1989, Jan..
Physical Description


Moskovskaia oblast' (Russia)

Bibliographic Information

1989, No. 19 no separate issue, part of No. 20, unnumbered (2.12) has no title, the title of one of the parts "Soobshcheniia, obzory, kommentarii..." is put in the title headline, 54 (23.12) the previous title is restored. Has a subtitle: Informatsionnyi biulleten'. Subtitle: published by MNIA Info-vzgliad, 56 (27.12) the title of one of the previous parts is put as a second subtitle: Soobshcheniia, obzory, kommentarii sobstvennykh korrespondentov i riada nezavisimykh nabliudatelei; 1990, No. 29/88 (19.02) (damaged, p.1 is missing), 36/95 (6.03) special issue, 37/96 (7.03) special issue, 39/98 (13.03) (special issue?) (damaged, p. 1 is missing), 47/106 (29.03) special issue, 59-61 (2.05) (as a publication "Est' Konfederatsiia truda!" in RM, 4.5.90, issue No. is not specified, the issue of "Ekha"), 62/121 (11.05) special issue, 64/123 (15.05) thematic review issue; 1991, No. 11/188 (photocopy, 20.01) morning issue, 12/189 (photocopy, 20.01) evening issue part 1+2, 13/190 (photocopy, 20.01) evening issue (damaged)
Library Special Collection
HU OSA 300-85-19 - Informal Press


Item Type Current Location Collection Call Number Volume Info Shelving Location Public Note
Continuing resourcesOSA Archivum LibraryHU OSA 300-85-19 Informal Press54 AB1989, No. 8 (15.03), 18 (22.09), 19, 20 (26.10), unnumbered (2.12), 54 (23.12), 55 (24.12), 56 (27.12), 57 (29.12), 58 (30.12), 59 (31.12); 1990, No. 1/60 (1.01), 2/61 (2.01), 3/62 (4.01), 4/63 (5.01), 6/65 (8.01), 7/66 (9.01), 8/67 (10.01), 9/68 (12.01), 10/69 (14.01), 11/70 (15.01), 12/71 (16.01), 13/72 (17.01), 14/73 (18.01), 15/74 (19.01), 17/76 (23.01), 19/78 (26.01), 20/79 (27.01), 21/80 (30.01), 22/81 (31.01), 23/82 (5.02), 26/85 (12.02), 27/86 (15.02), 28/87 (17.02), 29/(88) (19.02), 33/92 (27.02), 34/93 (1.03), 35/94 (4.03), 36/95 (6.03), 37/96 (7.03), 38/97 (8.03), 39/98 (13.03), 40/99 (15.03), 41/100 (16-17.03), 42/101 (19.03), 43/102 (20.03), 44/103 (25.03), 45/104 (27.03), 46/105 (28.03), 47/106 (29.03), 54/113 (24.04), 56/115 (28.04), 57 (30.04), 58 (1.05), 59-61 (2.05), 62/121 (11.05), 64/123 (15.05), 65/124 (19.05), 66/125 (22.05), 71/130 (28.05), 111/170 (photocopy, 20.12), 112/171 (photocopy, 22.12); 1991, No. 5/182 (photocopy, 12.01), 6-7/183-184 (photocopy, 14.01), 10/187 (photocopy, 18.01), 11/188 (photocopy, 20.01), 12/189 (photocopy, 20.01), 13/190 (photocopy, 20.01)General stacks-

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