Khrushchev : the man and his era

General Information

Taubman, William, 1940-
New York, N.Y. : W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., c2003.
Physical Description
xx, 876 p. : ill., maps ; 25 cm.


Following the works on Stalin by Dmitrij Volkogonov and Hans-Dietrich Löwe, a major biography of Khrushchev has now also been published. William Taubman, professor at Amherst College in the USA, has worked in the Moscow archives for more than ten years, evaluating the relevant literature, especially the memoirs of Russian contemporaries in administration, politics and the military, and interviewing contemporary witnesses in Russia and in the West. (...)


Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeevich, 1894-1971.
Heads of state > Soviet Union > Biography.
Soviet Union > Politics and government > 1953-1985.

Bibliographic Information

William Taubman.
Maps on lining papers.
1. The Fall: October 1964 -- 2. Kalinovka's Own: 1894-1908 -- 3. Making It as a Metalworker: 1908-1917 -- 4. To Be or Not to Be an Apparatchik: 1918-1929 -- 5. Stalin's Pet: 1929-1937 -- 6. Stalin's Viceroy: 1938-1941 -- 7. Khrushchev at War: 1941-1944 -- 8. Ukrainian Viceroy Again: 1944-1949 -- 9. The Heir Nonapparent: 1949-1953 -- 10. Almost Triumphant: 1953-1955 -- 11. From the Secret Speech to the Hungarian Revolution: 1956 -- 12. The Jaws of Victory: 1956-1957 -- 13. The Wider World: 1917-1957 -- 14. Alone at the Top: 1957-1960 -- 15. The Berlin Crisis and the American Trip: 1958-1959 -- 16. From the U-2 to the UN Shoe: April-September 1960 -- 17. Khrushchev and Kennedy: 1960-1961 -- 18. "A Communist Society Will Be Just about Built by 1980": 1961-1962 -- 19. The Cuban Cure-all: 1962 -- 20. The Unraveling: 1962-1964 -- 21. After the Fall: 1964-1971.
Library Special Collection
Donation of Anatole Shub


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