Fighters for the Faith?, No, Hired Killers! : They Call Themselves "mujaheddins", Which Means "fighters for the Faith", but the People Call Them "ashrars", Meaning "cutthroats". Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1986.


(1986). Fighters for the faith?, no, hired killers! : they call themselves "Mujaheddins", which means "fighters for the faith", but the people call them "Ashrars", meaning "cutthroats". Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House.


Fighters for the Faith?, No, Hired Killers!: They Call Themselves "mujaheddins", Which Means "fighters for the Faith", but the People Call Them "ashrars", Meaning "cutthroats". Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1986.