Creation of the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) for the Sinai : hearings and markup before the Committee on Foreign Affairs and its Subcommittees on International Security and Scientific Affairs and on Europe and the Middle East, House of Representatives, Ninety-seventh Congress, first session on H.J. Res. 349, July 21, 28, and October 27, 1981
Creation of the Multinational Force and Observers (mfo) for the Sinai : Hearings and Markup Before the Committee On Foreign Affairs and Its Subcommittees On International Security and Scientific Affairs and On Europe and the Middle East, House of Representatives, Ninety-seventh Congress, First Session On H.j. Res. 349, July 21, 28, and October 27, 1981. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1981.
Creation of the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) for the Sinai : hearings and markup before the Committee on Foreign Affairs and its Subcommittees on International Security and Scientific Affairs and on Europe and the Middle East, House of Representatives, Ninety-seventh Congress, first session on H.J. Res. 349, July 21, 28, and October 27, 1981. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Creation of the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) for the Sinai: Hearings and Markup before the Committee On Foreign Affairs and Its Subcommittees On International Security and Scientific Affairs and On Europe and the Middle East, House of Representatives, Ninety-Seventh Congress, First Session On H.J. Res. 349, July 21, 28, and October 27, 1981. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1981.