Tsentral'nyi Gosudarstvennyi Arkhiv Istoriko-politicheskikh Dokumentov Sankt-peterburga : Putevoditel' = Central State Archives of Historical and Political Documents of St. Peterburg : Guidebook. Moskva: Zven'ia, 2000.


(2000). Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi arkhiv istoriko-politicheskikh dokumentov Sankt-Peterburga : putevoditel' = Central State Archives of Historical and Political Documents of St. Peterburg : guidebook. Moskva: Zven'ia.


Tsentral'nyi Gosudarstvennyi Arkhiv Istoriko-Politicheskikh Dokumentov Sankt-Peterburga : Putevoditel' = Central State Archives of Historical and Political Documents of St. Peterburg : Guidebook. Moskva: Zven'ia,, 2000.