Biznes vostok-zapad = east-west business : zhurnal delovykh liudei = the magazine for managers
Mikheev, O.
Biznes Vostok-zapad = East-west Business : Zhurnal Delovykh Liudei = the Magazine for Managers. Moskva: Interekspert - SP, 1990.
Mikheev, O. (1990).
Biznes vostok-zapad = east-west business : zhurnal delovykh liudei = the magazine for managers. Moskva: Interekspert - SP.
Mikheev, O.,
Biznes Vostok-Zapad = East-West Business: Zhurnal Delovykh Liudei = the Magazine for Managers. Moskva: Interekspert - SP, 1990.