Uncovering the Shoah = Odhaľovanie Šoa : resistance of Jews and their efforts to inform the world on genocide = odpor a úsilie Židov informovať svet o genocíde
Hlavinka, Ján, and Hana Kubátová.
Uncovering the Shoah = Odhaľovanie Šoa : Resistance of Jews and Their Efforts to Inform the World On Genocide = Odpor a úsilie Židov Informovať Svet O Genocíde. Bratislava ; Jerusalem ; Prague: Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences ; International Christian Embassy, 2006.
Hlavinka, J., & Kubátová, H. (2006).
Uncovering the Shoah = Odhaľovanie Šoa : resistance of Jews and their efforts to inform the world on genocide = odpor a úsilie Židov informovať svet o genocíde. Bratislava ; Jerusalem ; Prague: Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences ; International Christian Embassy.
Hlavinka, Ján, and Hana Kubátová.
Uncovering the Shoah = Odhaľovanie Šoa: Resistance of Jews and Their Efforts to Inform the World On Genocide = Odpor a úsilie Židov Informovať Svet o Genocíde. Bratislava ; Jerusalem ; Prague: Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences ; International Christian Embassy, 2006.