Inter-war European Fascism and the British Union of Fascists (1932-40) : an apocalyptic quest for a temporal-historic(al) national utopia [thesis]
Single, Clifford James.
Inter-war European Fascism and the British Union of Fascists (1932-40) : an Apocalyptic Quest for a Temporal-historic(al) National Utopia [thesis]. 2004.
Single, C. James. (2004).
Inter-war European Fascism and the British Union of Fascists (1932-40) : an apocalyptic quest for a temporal-historic(al) national utopia [thesis]. .
Single, Clifford James.
Inter-War European Fascism and the British Union of Fascists (1932-40): An Apocalyptic Quest for a Temporal-Historic(al) National Utopia [thesis].