What's so funny, comrade? : 152 cartoons from Krokodil, 1958-1961 (the official Soviet humor magazine), stories from the humor-underground [and] "scholarly" commentary
Swearingen, Rodger.
What's So Funny, Comrade? : 152 Cartoons From Krokodil, 1958-1961 (the Official Soviet Humor Magazine), Stories From the Humor-underground [and] "scholarly" Commentary. New York: Praeger, 1961.
Swearingen, R. (1961).
What's so funny, comrade? : 152 cartoons from Krokodil, 1958-1961 (the official Soviet humor magazine), stories from the humor-underground [and] "scholarly" commentary. New York: Praeger.
Swearingen, Rodger,
What's So Funny, Comrade?: 152 Cartoons From Krokodil, 1958-1961 (the Official Soviet Humor Magazine), Stories From the Humor-Underground [and] "scholarly" Commentary. New York: Praeger, 1961.