Final document : introduction, decleration, messages : Kopaonik, 13th-17th December 1996 : Kopaonik School of Natural Law, 10th jubilee gathering
Final Document : Introduction, Decleration, Messages : Kopaonik, 13th-17th December 1996 : Kopaonik School of Natural Law, 10th Jubilee Gathering. [Kopaonik]: Kopaonik School of Natural Law, 1996.
Final document : introduction, decleration, messages : Kopaonik, 13th-17th December 1996 : Kopaonik School of Natural Law, 10th jubilee gathering. [Kopaonik]: Kopaonik School of Natural Law.
Final Document: Introduction, Decleration, Messages : Kopaonik, 13th-17th December 1996 : Kopaonik School of Natural Law, 10th Jubilee Gathering. [Kopaonik]: Kopaonik School of Natural Law, 1996.