“Green Days” focuses on the run-up to the election on the streets of Tehran and features interviews with ordinary young people, mostly supporters of opposition candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi. The film blends a fictional storyline with a reaction to the swirling events surrounding Iran’s disputed presidential election. The film features raw footage of the swelling protests by Mousavi’s green-clad sympathizers after Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was declared winner and their brutal repression by security forces. Some of the images were shot with mobile phones by the demonstrators, as the government imposed restrictions on independent and foreign media. Ava, a young Iranian theatre director and play writer, who suffers from depression, is the main protagonist of this film. She finds herself involved in the events and overwhelmed by them. Throughout the film she struggles to understand herself and the world around her, her hometown of Teheran which is submerged in green and the political forces at play.