- Film Studio of the Hungarian Workers Militia1
- Fischer, George1
- Fishler, Max1
- Focșa, Gheorghe1
- Fondation pour une entraide intellectuelle européenne, FEIE1
- Free Europe Committee, Inc1
- Galbraith, John Kenneth1
- Garthoff, Raymond L.1
- Gavin, James M.1
- Germany (West). Auswärtiges Amt1
- Giertych, Jędrzej1
- Ginsburg, Norton Sydney1
- Great Britain, Foreign and Commonwealth Office1
- Gross, Feliks1
- Haas, Ernst B.1
- Hahn, István1
- Halecki, Oskar1
- Hamvas, Andreas1
- Haycraft, John1
- Herz, Martin Florian1