- Fedoseev, Anatolii Pavlovich1
- Fic, Victor M.1
- Film Studio of the Hungarian Workers Militia1
- Findling, John E.1
- Fondation pour une entraide intellectuelle européenne, FEIE1
- Freed, Donald1
- Freeman, Simon1
- Frodsham, Stanley Howard1
- Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis1
- Fábry, Péter1
- Gabriel, Richard A.1
- Garibdzhanian, Bagrat Gevorkovich1
- Garliński, Józef1
- Gendlin, Leonard1
- Goland, Efim1
- Goldmann, Nahum1
- Goodman, Watson1
- Gosztonyi, Péter1
- Graber, G. S.1
- Great Britain, Foreign and Commonwealth Office1